Vehicle Modifications

In the past decade, we have seen significant changes and improvements to the technologies that we use in our day-to-day lives; and nowhere has this been more apparent than in the automotive industry. In particular, those who face mobility challenges or who have previously been limited because of their physical challenges are now able to move independently with the vehicle modifications that have been made available to them via companies like Van Products. 

Van Products has been tailoring vehicles to the needs of the physically challenged with quality work on automotive conversions, modifications, and adaptive equipment since 1972.  

We offer a variety of vehicle modifications that can be customized to suit each of our customers’ unique needs and mobility challenges. 

Improving the Way You Move With Customized Vehicle Modifications 

At Van Products, we know what an important decision and financial commitment it can be to select the right vehicle modifications to help you regain and maintain your independence. This is why we are dedicated to providing caring, quality mobility services to the thousands of physically challenged individuals and families we serve. Not only do we care about the quality of the products and accessories that we sell; we care about the individuals who use them! 

From stairlifts to commercial upfits, to our customized, onsite wheelchair demos- we want to ensure that each of our customers is made aware of all of the mobility resources available to them as well as the advantages that each of our products can effect in their daily lives. 

Finding Vehicle Modifications That Work for You

Van Products has two locations in the state of North Carolina; but we serve mobility customers throughout the southeast, with customers in South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, Georgia and more. Besides this, we have a large inventory of new and used wheelchair accessible vans for sale or lease with special financing and rebates available. 

Van Products also offers the option of buying a wheelchair van that is already equipped. Worried about having to install vehicle modifications yourself? Don’t!  Our highly specialized, trained technicians can custom build a van to your needs at our facilities in Raleigh and Wilmington.  

Van Products provides special transportation for physically challenged individuals, churches, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers, municipalities and rehabilitation centers. 

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